conjunction coordinating

A..Z   ∞..1
a [and]
ale [but]
aneb [in other words]
anebo [or]
ani [nor, not (even)]
avšak [however]
buď ~ nebo [either ~ or]
či [or]
čili [that is, i.e.]
i [also]
jak ~ tak [both ~ and]
jednak ~ jednak [for one thing ~ for another]
jenže [but]
kdežto [whereas]
leč [but]
nebo [or]
neboli [in other words]
neboť [as, because]
nicméně [nevertheless]
nýbrž [but]
ovšem [but, of course]
proto [therefore]
sice [otherwise, granted]
tak [so]
takže [so]
tedy [so]
tj. [i.e., that is]
totiž [you see, actually]
tudíž [consequently]
však [however]
vždyť [after all]